Carp is said “kapr” in Czech. So Kaprova Street could be named after a fish carp – the Vltava is only a few dozen meters nearby. Or after “some” Mr. Kapr. The second possibility is the right one – Mr. Kapr was even the mayor of Prague in the mid-16th century. His name was Pavel Kapr from Kaprštejn, and in U lužického semináře Street, he even owned a house called At Three Carps.
Kaprova Street leads from Old Town Square towards the river, in the city’s heart and thus in the area with a café, restaurant, or at least an ice cream parlor in every second house. That’s why knowing where you’ll like it is good.
You will be delighted if you enter Coffee Lovers on Kaprova Street 16. They offer “normal” sandwiches and baguettes “for the great hunger”. But they have great cakes, desserts, and pies. That they will make you a great coffee here is a matter of course. However, they also have many teas – and excellent fresh fruit juices.
Many foreigners are surprised that Czech cuisine commonly uses poppies. However, if they tasted this plum-poppy seed pie, they would immediately fall in love with it. Without exaggeration, it is one of the best cakes I have ever eaten in Prague cafes.