Due to its shape, this purely Czech dessert can be perceived as controversial. When a Czech Internet TV station served foreigners from all over the world various Czech dishes and asked them for their opinion, a girl from Australia said: “Are you kidding me? Should I eat this? You don’t expect me to put this in my mouth in front of you? I didn’t come to shoot an erotic video.”, while a Sri Lankan girl saw a lighthouse on the seashore or a volcano. A boy from India asked straight away, “Is that some kind of dessert for the ladies?” and his colleague from Paris responded: “I am French. You won’t just surprise me with something.”
The eggnog spikes are named after the egg liqueur, which fills the tube made of chocolate mass built on a wheel of dough or sponge cake. The second name of this dessert is cognac peak, although it has nothing to do with real cognac. It comes from the fact that egg nog – very popular especially during Christmas – is also called egg cognac in Czech. Eggnog spikes originated in Czech confectionery in the 1960s. Mass popularity continued in the 1970s and 1980s. Today it is a very popular retro dessert.

One of the tasks in the competition, “The Whole Country Bakes” (the Czech version of the British show “The Great British Bake Off”), was to create a chessboard with figures of eggnog spikes made of dark and white chocolate.
It’s clear from the picture that it does not evoke any erotic connotations, but whoever wants to see a phallic symbol in this dessert will of course find it there.
Marie Štefányová in the Šlágr Cafe makes not only classic spikes but also ones that have a raspberry filling instead of eggnog, so even children can eat them. She closes them with a marzipan ball. Marzipan is also what the tiny, leafed raspberries decorating the tip are made of.
See how much skill is required to create such a dessert.